How Life Settlements Mortality Estimates Impacted Our Portfolio

Life Settlements Mortality Estimates

Now that some time has passed, we would like to discuss how the life settlements mortality estimates impacted our portfolio. You can review our past post where we discuss the impact of the updated mortality tables on the market. We view the mortality table updates as a valuable improvement to the industry overall. However, time […]

Evolution of Life Expectancy Calculations

Strategy, Ethical Investment

How is a life expectancy estimated in a life settlement transaction? Traditionally, this service has been performed by suitably qualified, registered underwriting specialists. They are given full access to current details of the insured life including current medical records and lifestyle information. Similarly, this is the process used by the insurance company when pricing and […]

Don’t fake it! Show the real returns

It seems that fake news has been a hot topic lately. Even the life settlements market isn’t immune. We sometimes see published returns that seem too good to be true. We fear that some of these rely on valuation assumptions rather than actual realised returns. Headlines that report solely positive or smooth regular returns are […]

Dilemmas in Valuation Life Settlements

Have you ever wondered why so many life settlements funds vary in expected returns? During your due diligence have you found it difficult to compare returns of what appears on the surface to be apparently similar life settlements funds? Life settlements valuation risks are possibly one of the key administrative dilemmas facing the asset class […]

Estimating Gross Market Return for Life Settlements

Gross Market Return

Establishing the correct methodology in estimating gross market return is a common discussion for the life settlements asset class. The science around medical underwriting continues to evolve in the dynamic environment of human longevity. The discussion around appropriate methodologies for uniform financial analysis is timely, post GFC environment. Given the lack of suitable robust analysis […]

Looking into the Life Settlements Benchmark/Index

Gross Market Return

Is it possible to have a life settlements benchmark? In all asset classes, we look where possible to have access to an industry-wide benchmark/index to assess performance and compare themselves with their peers. Clearly this is a good thing when available. The trap for the uninformed or novice investor is to distinguish between true bench-marking […]